Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Project Brief:
The studio commenced with a series of figure ground studies (white on black background), utilizing white out or white paint to “carve” urban spaces (outdoor rooms) such as streets and squares out of a black field. The three studies commenced with the development of that most basic of all town plans— avenues, streets and alleys. Based on a critical analysis of the scale and appropriateness of the selected precedents (Barcelona), the students designed spaces to accommodate a City Hall, a Cathedral and a Hospital. The studio was provided with an A3 figure ground base plan at 1cm=200m. The plan includes the remains of a previous community that must be integrated into the design. An A4 sheet has also been provided with plans of three required buildings to be included in your studies; City Hall, the Cathedral, and a Hospital.

Utilizing white paint on a black field, the students developed the three required plans incorporating the following elements:

Design Vocabulary:
Minimum block dimension: 60 meters., maximum: 120 meters
Boulevards: 35 meters to 45 meters wide, including center islands
Avenues: 30 meters wide
Streets: 18 meters wide
Alleys: 9 meters wide
Pedestrian paths 6 meters wide
Civic spaces: to be determined by precedent studies
Neighborhood spaces: maximum 4,000 Square Meters

Josh Humphries

Stacey Carbone

Paul Yurchak

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